To comply with the requirements of your licence, this information must be submitted each time you divert water.

If you hold a licence to take water from the Avoca River system and have extracted water for irrigation use, you are required to complete a Surface Water Irrigation Report. Completing this report won’t take long.

We also ask that you provide a rough map showing where you have irrigated, including any diversion channels and local landmarks.

Handy tip ...

We welcome you to use tools such as Google Maps to complete this section, and suggest that you save this map first before completing your details.

Complete the Surface Water Irrigation Report below or alternatively, download the PDF and return to GWMWater.

Please complete this form to report on the volume of water taken for irrigation or commercial use during 2022-23 year. You are not required to report volumes of water taken for Domestic and Stock purposes.


The current status of diversion triggers for the Avoca River can be found on our Latest River Diverters Update page.

Backflow is a reverse flow of water that can contaminate our fresh water supply.

If you are a business owner or a property owner where a business is operating, installing a backflow prevention device on your property is the best way to manage backflow risk.



Backflow occurs when water flows from a customer’s pipes back through the meter into GWMWater’s pipes. Backflow is caused by a sudden drop in pressure in the supply pipe. When the pressure drops, contaminated water can mix with the fresh water in the mains network. When the system is pressurised again, contaminated water can unknowingly be distributed to other local water users.

backflow protection inside images v2 revised

• Connecting water to equipment used to mix chemicals with water.
• Cleaning equipment used on chemical or biological substances.
• Connecting water to cooling towers and heating systems.
• Connecting water to equipment using recycled water.
• Leaving a hose running in a container with chemicals in it.

backflow bucket image

The below list includes examples of sites and processes where backflow contamination is a higher risk.

  • motels and hotels 
  • schools, kindergartens and day care centres
  • restaurants, food handling centres
  • caravan parks
    (without sewage dump points)
  • hospitals, nursing homes, dental clinics and medical clinics
  • shops
  • commercial laundries and dry cleaners
  • premises with grey water re-use systems
  • vehicle washing facilities
  • some food processing plants
  •  industrial processes
  • fire hose reels
  • public swimming pools or ponds
  • abattoirs and poultry processing
  • agricultural or irrigation use
  • mortuaries and funeral parlours
  • toxic chemicals, fertilisers and pesticides
  • vehicle maintenance garage, service stations, spray painting, panel beating
  • other types of plant and equipment if permanently attached to the water supply





If you are a business owner or a property owner where a business is operating, you are responsible for:

  • making sure that any activity on your property does not contaminate the water supply
  • using a licensed plumber with the appropriate qualification in backflow prevention to:
    - identify your property's hazard rating
    - identify the type of backflow prevention device you need
    - install and maintain backflow devices on your property appropriate to your property’s hazard rating
    - if your device is testable, test the backflow prevention device every 12 months. Your plumber must send us the test report within 14 days of the test.

New business customers

When you first apply for Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Consent to Connect to the Water Supply System, we will let you know if a backflow prevention device must be installed on your property.

Existing business customers

Some existing properties within the network may have the wrong type of backflow prevention device fitted or no device at all. We assess existing water connections for backflow prevention compliance. If your property fits either of these scenarios, you will receive a letter from us explaining why you need a backflow prevention device fitted and what you need to do to make your existing connection safe for everyone.

Complying with this request is a requirement under the Water (Estimation, Supply and Sewerage) Regulations 2014.

If you are a licensed plumber with backflow prevention qualifications, you are responsible for:

  • assessing a property's hazard rating. (We will help you to determine the property's rating)
  • choosing the appropriate backflow prevention device
  • installing and testing the device
  • providing the test report to GWMWater within 14 days of the test.

Please email to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or contact us.

For more information about plumbers' responsibilities, visit Backflow Prevention | Victorian Building Authority (


Property Hazard Rating Compliant Backflow Prevention Device Examples of Properties
High Reduced Pressure Zone Device or Registered Break Tank
    • Hospitals
    • Butchers and Abattoirs
    • Service Stations
    • Car washes
    • Mechanic workshops
    • Chemical storage
    • Veterinary clinics
    • Caravan parks (with sewage points)
Medium Double Check Valve (Testable)
    • Public Swimming Pools
    • Caravan parks (without sewage points)
Low  Dual Check Meter
    • Domestic properties

Fire Service Connections require a Single Check Detector Assembly (SCDAT) as minimum backflow prevention. If the fire service has hose reels fitted, the backflow prevention device required depends on the hazard rating of the property.


Step 1 Your licensed plumber will assess your property's hazard rating and will let you and GWMWater know the type of device required.
Step 2 You are to complete our Backflow Prevention Application Form and Consent to Connect to the Water Supply System and email both to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for approval or contact us if you require more information.
Step 3 We will assess your application and let you know if your application has been approved or if we need to discuss with you further.
Step 4 Your licensed plumber is to install the appropriate backflow device, and must complete and submit a test report to us for assessment within 14 days of installation.



As the property owner, you are responsible for arranging installation and ongoing maintenance of a backflow prevention device to your water service.

After your backflow prevention device has been installed by a licensed plumber, and approved by us, your plumber is to provide us with a commissioning test report. Your backflow prevention device must then maintained every 12 months by a licensed plumber. Your plumber must send us the test report within 14 days of the test to email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by mail, fax or drop it off to us.

Contact us for more information about installing and maintaining a device.

Further information...

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Policy - Backflow Prevention Containment Policy

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Form - Backflow Prevention Application Form

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Application for Consent to Connect to the Water Supply System

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Fact Sheet - Backflow prevention is the best protection 


We have actively worked towards delivering services that our customers told us they most valued and expected with their water and sewerage services.

1. Safe Drinking Water 

2. Clean, Non-Drinking Water – Urban

3. Clean, Non-Drinking Water – Rural Pipeline

4. Reliable and Affordable Services

5. Healthy and Liveable Region

To find out more see Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Our Performance 2023/24 based on our pricing submission to the Essential Services Commission. 

For more information refer to our Corporate Plan and Water Price Submission


Previous reports...

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Our Performance 2022/23

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Our Performance 2021/2022

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Our Performance 2020/2021

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Our Performance 2019/2020

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Our Performance 2018/19


We are committed to providing respectful and confidential assistance to customers who are impacted by family violence.

Our Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Family Violence Policy provides the framework which informs our decisions and the actions taken in dealing with customers experiencing family violence. It also provides information on the assistance that is available to those who are affected.

This policy also ensures that we satisfy our obligations under the Essential Services Commission Water Industry Standards for urban and rural water businesses.

Below are organisations which are able to provide confidential counselling on a range of issues.

Where to go for support

The Orange Door
Horsham (Wimmera South West)
3-7 Madden Street Horsham
Call: 1800 271 042
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Swan Hill
14-18 McCallum Street Swan Hill
Phone: 1800 290 943
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Services offered:
> Adults, children and young people's family violence services
> Child and family services
> Aboriginal services
> Services for people who use violence towards others

Grampians Community Health
(Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm)
Call: 03 5358 7400
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

70-72 Hamilton Street

8-22 Patrick Street

60 High Street

Offers the following support:
> After hours family violence support
> Family violence counselling
> Family safety planning
> Men’s behaviour change program
> Accommodation support


Safe Steps
Call: 1800 015 188 any time
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Live Chat: Monday to Friday 9 am to Midnight Website:

Victims of Crime
Call: 1800 819 817
Text: 0427 767 891

With Respect
Tuesday 9 am to 8 pm
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
9 am to 5 pm
Call: 1800 542 847
For members of the LGBTIQ+ community. They offer Telecounselling and Support who are at risk or are experiencing family violence.

The Rainbow Door
Everyday 10 am to 5 pm
Call: 1800 729 367
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
SMS: 0480 017 246

Call: 1800 184 527
Telephone and web-based counselling, referrals and support for groups for LGBTIQ people and their families.

Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Services
Call: 1800 105 303
Culturally specific assistance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims/survivors or family violence and sexual assault

In Touch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence
Call: 1800 755 988
Assistance and information for women and children from CALO backgrounds living with family violence.

Call: 13 11 14
24/7 Crisis support and suicide prevention.

Beyond Blue
Call: 1300 224 636
24/7 information, referral and support for people on a range of mental health issues.

Call: 1800 888 236
24/7 counselling and referral service for anyone with concerns about their own or someone else's use of alcohol or other drugs.

Daisy is an app that connects people experiencing violence or abuse to local services across Australia.
Family members and friends can also use Daisy to gather information and support people who are experiencing violence.

National Debt Helpline
Call: 1800 007 007
General information about debt and access to financial counsellors.

Gambler's Help
Call: 1800 858 858
24/7 counselling and support for people with concerns about gambling behaviour.

Call: 1800 007 007
Free tools, tips and guidance to help people of all ages, backgrounds and incomes to be in control of their finances.

31 Wilson Street Horsham
Call: 03 5278 8122
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Meli is committed to creating an environment where everyone feels safe  and that they belong.

115 Lydiard Street North Ballarat
Call: 1800 692 237

Rural Financial Counselling Services
1/48 McLachlan Street Horsham
1300 735 578
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Rural Financial Counselling Services is a free service for rural and regional primary produces and small business owners.
They can help you:
Gain a clear understanding of your financial position.
Generate and explore options.
Develop budgets and implement plans.
Talk to your creditors.
Prepare a Farm Household Allowance (FHA) or Regional Investment Corporation (RIC) loan application.
Apply for grants and other support packages
Provide referrals to other specialists, including financial, legal, marketing and our own wellbeing program.
Apply for grants and support packages.

Mallee Family Care
229 Beveridge Street Swan Hill
03 5032 4479
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Outreach service in Birchip call the Central Office on 03 5023 5966

Offer Support in:
> Identifying and clarifying financial issues.
> Provide short-term resolutions.
> Advocate debt management plans.
> Plan long-term actions including budgeting.
> Determine ongoing needs.
> Refer to other supports.


GWMWater has completed its Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Urban and Rural Water Strategy 2022-2027, for submission to the Minister for Water in July 2022. The Strategy has assessed long-term water security for urban and rural users under a range of water supply and future climate scenarios.

Observations that the Grampians catchments have experienced a greater decline in rainfall and runoff compared with other catchments in Victoria were a key consideration when developing the Strategy. A significant 63 percent reduction in the average annual inflow to the Grampians reservoirs has persisted over the period since 1997.

While the future impacts of climate change continue to pose a risk to water supplies, it is evident our fully pipelined systems have significantly improved water security for our region.

Our Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Drought Preparedness Plan focusses on contingencies and strategies to manage future short-term water security and water quality issues for each of GWMWater’s supply areas. This Plan forms a supplementary document to the Urban and Rural Water Strategy, and was updated alongside the development of our 2022-2027 Urban and Rural Water Strategy. 

Our Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Drought Preparedness Plan Overview outlines our approach to drought management and how the Plan aligns with Urban and Rural water strategies.

Supporting information...

Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy

The Western Region Sustainable Water Strategy maps out our region's water resources and the challenges and opportunities facing water users over the next 50 years.

Annual Water Outlook

Our Annual Water Outlook is released in December each year. It builds on our Urban and Rural Water Strategy to provide information about water security for our towns and rural users for the year ahead.