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If any construction activity is to occur over an easement vested in GWMWater or within 1.5 metres of a GWMWater asset, prior approval should be sought from GWMWater. Please contact us via our website or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A Build Over Easement Agreement is usually required and can involve the establishment of additional easements to maintain access.

Applications should proceed with minimal delay and inconvenience when these steps are followed:

Prior to designing any structure or carrying out works, seek to establish if the proposed structure/or works is to be located over an easement or within 1.5 metres of a sewer or water asset.

Request a detailed Sewer Asset Location Plan (size, depth and offset) or Water Asset Plan from GWMWater (a standard fee may be applicable).

Lodge an application form with GWMWater along the applicable application fee and a set of building plans.

Plans must include a site plan which clearly indicates the type of structure to be built, foundation details and relevant elevation plans.

Additional fees may be payable in the event that additional information is required to assess the condition/location of existing assets.

Further information can be found in the Build Over and Adjacent to GWMWater Assets Guidelines.

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