GWMWater is reviewing the method of delivery for the construction of the eastern Grampians pipeline.
Cape Dunstan were awarded the early works contract to deliver the design and undertake the work necessary to secure the alignment of the pipeline corridors and nominate sites for facility assets such as pump stations and storages.
GWMWater is extending its sewerage network to service a new residential development area at Green Hill Lake, east of Ararat.
GWMWater has awarded a tender to Envirotech Water Solutions to upgrade the pump station at Lake Fyans. This will be the first stage of construction of the East Grampians Rural Water Supply Project.
Lake Fyans will be the main water source for the East Grampians pipeline, with smaller volumes of water being sourced from Mt William headworks or gravity fed from Mt Cole.
GWMWater has invited tenders for the construction of a new pump station at Lake Fyans, a key piece of infrastructure for the East Grampians Rural Water Supply Project.
Earlier this year, the power supply at Lake Fyans pump station was upgraded in preparation for a new pump station. The new pump station will be the first stage of the East Grampians Rural Water Supply project to be constructed.
GWMWater have started planning to upgrade urban customers in Berriwillock and Culgoa to a drinking water supply.
The proposal to upgrade the Mallee towns to a drinking water supply is part of GWMWater’s latest pricing proposal to the Essential Services Commission, which was given a preliminary nod in March 2023.
The project has been successful to date in progressing through the completion of all environmental approvals and is nearing the completion of cultural heritage assessments.
Register your interest to provide feedback on updated Recreational Area (Water) Regulations.
If you use one of our below water storages for recreation, we would love to hear from you!
Lake Bellfield | Lake Lonsdale | Taylors Lake | ||
Lake Fyans | Moora Moora Reservoir | Lake Toolondo | ||
Green Lake, Horsham | Rocklands Reservoir | Lake Wartook |
The updated Recreational Areas (Water) Regulations will replace the By-Law 106 - Recreational Areas in August 2023.
The updated regulations are needed so you can continue to use water storages that are formally determined as ‘Recreational Areas’ under the Water Act 1989.
The regulations will continue to ensure the safety of visitors and the protection of water quality, water corporation facilities, Aboriginal cultural heritage, and environmental values.
You can register your interest to:
• Be informed by email when the draft regulations are available
• Let us know if you would like to attend an information session
• Tell us what recreational activities you enjoy currently
• Tell us which recreational areas you are interested in
To learn more, visit the website at -values/recreational-areas-regulations or email the recreation team at
GWMWater and Interflow, a provider of pipeline infrastructure solutions, have taken home an industry award at this year’s Victorian Water Awards for their collaborative work on the Mt Cole pipeline renewal project.

Looking for ways to be waterwise in and around your home, business, workplace, school, etc.?
Check out the 'Target Your Water Use' program and see how it can help you to save water
The Storage Manager has started a review of the Storage Management Rules for the for the Wimmera-Glenelg headworks system. The rules form the basis for how the system is operated day-to-day to support water security for the region.
The Minister for Water appointed GWMWater as the Storage Manager for Wimmera-Glenelg, however GWMWater is also an entitlement holder. To ensure the independence of the Storage Manager, governance arrangements are in place so that all entitlement holders and other key stakeholders are involved.
A specific governance arrangement has been set up for the purpose of the review which enables the Storage Manager to report directly to the GWMWater Board.
The review aims to improve and refine the current Storage Management Rules and operation of the Wimmera-Glenelg system, taking into consideration any new data, information and operational experience, to better meet the needs of entitlement holders and improve efficiency. This could include both the storage and delivery of water.
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