Pursuant to section 144 of the Water Act 1989, GWMWater intends to declare the following land as serviced properties for the services listed below.

This land will become a serviced property on the date that GWMWater reticulation assets are available to the property.

District Address Property description Services to be available  Land intended to be serviced properties on and from Published online
Halls Gap Water and Sewer District Valley Drive, Halls Gap Lots 1A-1E PS544763K  Water and sewer 22 January 2024  
Stawell Water and Sewer District 6A Houston Street, Stawell Lots 1 and 2 PS911378T

Water and sewer 1 February 2024  
Ultima Urban Water District Ultima Urban Water District Ultima Urban Water District Drinking (Potable) Water 1 April 2024  
Stawell Water and Sewer District Billimina Street, Stawell

Lots 1-16 & 22-35 PS912732W

Water and sewer 21 June 2024  
Horsham Water and Sewer District 1A Williams Road, Horsham Lot 2 PS911734X Water and sewer 2 September 2024  
Elmhurst Urban Water District Elmhurst Urban Water District Elmhurst Urban Water District Drinking (Potable) Water 14 November 2024 12/11/2024

Goroke Sewerage District

Click here to view:
Goroke Sewerage District - Stage 2 area

Goroke Sewerage District - Stage 2 Sewer 3 February 2025 03/12/2024



eNotices is an online portal which allows you to register, view, and pay your water bill online.

To register, simply find the eNotices logo (below) on your water bill from October 2023 and use the code to register at gwmwater.enotices.com.au. From January 2024, your water bill will then be emailed to you and you will be able to pay online.

eNotices - Forms Express

 Read more

The first stage of a Horsham Sewer Main Upgrade Project between the Spry Court Pump Station and Plumpton Road, Horsham is scheduled to be completed between October to December 2022. 

The Spry Court Sewer Rising Main is a critical link in the Horsham sewer network. The main connects pump stations on both sides of the Wimmera River to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 

All works will be completed on public land and will not require access to private property. Customers are not expected to experience any change to water or wastewater services as a result of the work.

This upgrade will improve the resilience of Horsham’s wastewater network and ensure that reliable wastewater services can continue to be supplied to Horsham’s growing population.

For more information:

Adobe PDF file icon 24x24Information Sheet - Horsham Rising Main Upgrade Project

GWMWater welcomes feedback about the quality of service that we provide to our customers and stakeholders. We are pleased to help you in any matter regarding our services and you can contact us by email, in person or by phoning 1300 659 961 during business hours. We recognise that customers may need to notify us if a service, decision or action fails to meet your expectations. When you make a complaint, please include as much information as possible to ensure our staff can consider all of the facts.

Explore Your Backyard is an online festival celebrating and nurturing the connection to Country and water during National Water Week, 18-24 October 2021.

You are invited to join our live webinars, on-demand workshops and accss resouces designed to get you outside, using water efficiently in the garden and improving neighbourhood biodiversity.

Put your gardening gloves on, fill up that watering can, and Explore Your Backyard during National Water Week! 


Activities and Events

Event Overview

More information and links to come! To keep up with the action and up-coming events follow the Explore Your Backyard Facebook page. 

Explore your Backyard Photo Comp

Our amazing photo competition winners have been choosen! 

Thank you to all who submitted a photo of how you save water in your backyard.

Click here to view the winning entries.


Sunday 17 October at 4 pm

Don't miss the Explore Your Backyard online festival special guest, Costa the Garden Gnome!

What will happen when Costa the Garden Gnome and Coliban Water's Managing Director, Damien Wells, sit down for a Sunday afternoon chat? They'll discuss gardening and water, of course!

Plus, they will be launching our fantastic online festival for National Water Week.

More details

Wednesday 20 October at 12.30 pm

Bee and Butterfly Encounter

Join Sam from Labcoat Learning for an up-close look at bees and butterflies! Learn why bees and butterflies are great for our gardens. Plus, find out about the importance of water for invertebrates and how you can help.

View on Facebook or YouTube.

Superb Wren
Superb Fairy-wren © Ian Wilson 2014

Thursday 21 October at 12.30 pm


*This event requires bookings.

Join Dr Holly Parsons from Birdlife Australia, and explore the wonderful world of birds. Holly is the Urban Bird Program Manager and will share tips on how to identify the birds that visit your backyard or nearby parkland. Holly also has useful ideas to help you provide habitat and resources for our feathered friends.


On demand videos and resources

Rodney Carter and Rueben Berg on Cultural Values in Waterways

Filmed at VicWater's 2021 conference, Rodney Carter and Rueben Berg speak about First Nation's cultural values in waterways. Rodney is a descendant of Dja Dja Wurrung and Yorta Yorta people and Ruben is a proud Gunditjmara man from Melbourne. They offer suggestions that not only work to preserve our waterways but provide a broader perspective on how we can all keep working towards reconciliation. Secondary & adult

Creation of a Scar Tree

Join Wadawurrung Traditional Owners and Central Highland Water staff to see how a modern scar tree is created. (3 min video, on demand) Secondary & adult

School and pre-school aged children will love these animated experiment videos with Wally the Water Scientist. Created by Goulburn Valley Water, each experiment is supported with a worksheet. Primary & kindergarten with adult support.

Wally & The Water Cycle
Learn about the water cycle and how to make your own in a bag. worksheet

Wally & Rain Gauges
Learn what a rain gauge is and how to make your own. worksheet

Wally & Walking Water
Learn how water moves and discover primary/secondary colours. worksheet

Wally & The State of Water
Did you know that water behaves differently when its temperature changes? worksheet

Mulching your garden can save up to 70% of water from evaporating. Find out about different mulches and help your garden thrive in this 4-minute video from North East Water. Primary, secondary, adults

Outdoor water use accounts for 25-50% of the average home’s water consumption. Gardens are an area where huge amounts of water are wasted. Visit Smart Approved WaterMark’s website to read about ways you can save water. Secondary & adult

Nature study & nature play activity matrix

Build greater awareness, appreciation and understanding of the natural world! The matrix combines Bloom's Taxonomy and Multiple Intelligences to provide students with tasks that are accessible and appealing. Primary & kindergarten with adult support.

The ins and outs of a bug hotel
Explore the benefits of insects in helping to pollinate plants, and learn how to make a bug hotel to encourage more insects into your garden. Barwon Water shows you how. Primary with adult help, all ages.

How to plant native grasses and shrubs
Learn how to select and plant native and indigenous plants in your garden to improve the biodiversity of insects and native fauna that visit your patch. Primary.

Upcycle a jar into a rain gauge
A perfect rainy-day activity from East Gippsland Water. Make a rain gauge from a jar and measure how much rain you collect.

Providing Water for Wildlife
Healesville Sanctuary Vet Kath will show you the best way to leave water out for local wildlife during the summer months. More tips on helping wildlife in summer. Primary, all ages.

Water Wise Chatterbox
Download and print this origami chatterbox to help teach children about the importance of using water wisely! Primary

Going Green when we Clean
Discover some simple recipes for cleaning products to use around the home. Many store-bought cleaners contain harsh chemicals, you'll also discover some of the impacts that these chemicals can have on the environment. Recipes available. All ages, children with adult help.

Willow control in our waterways 
Find out the benefits in removing willows from our waterways. Secondary and adult.

Growing indigenous plants around waterways and on cleared farmland improves raw water quality. Find out more in this short video made by Bass Coast Landcare Network & Westernport Water. Secondary and adult.

  Explore Your Backyard Logos 1920 x 300 Bree