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Grampians Bushfire Response

Last Updated
Grampians Region

GWMWater has been working with the Incident Control Centre to monitor and manage impacts of the Grampians bushfires on our infrastructure and water supplies.

To date, no urban water supplies have been impacted – water in Halls Gap, Moyston, Pomonal and Willaura is safe to use as normal.

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Hancock029Dubbed the ‘best development for the region since electricity’, the pipeline provides a secure reticulated water supply to 1500 rural properties in areas surrounding Inglewood, Newbridge, St Arnaud and Wedderburn.

Murphy’s Creek farmer Deb Hancock said the pipeline had given their farm a future for their children, Campbell and Georgia.

“For us, the impact of the pipeline is hard to explain in words,” she said. “We were spending a lot of money trucking water from Bendigo; one year we spent $90,000.

“To not have to worry about water – Wow.”

Not only has their water security improved, but the quality of the water has made a difference to the health of their stock.

“The supply we get from the pipeline is absolutely phenomenal,” she said. “The animals love it; the sheep won’t even go near a dam anymore.

The sheep look amazing and that’s just because of the quality of the water. It’s exceptional.”

The pipeline also paves the way for future growth for their business.


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