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Rec lake & reservoir algae warnings

Check rec lake & reservoir algae warnings

GWMWater has launched a new occupational health and safety strategy with an emphasis on leadership and best practice.

The organisation launched the strategy this week, with the help of guest speaker, Alan Newey, from Chat Safety.

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Mr Newey was fitted with Australia’s first mind-controlled bionic arm, following a workplace accident where he lost his right dominant arm in 1999.

Mr Newey shared his story at the launch event highlighting the importance of safety controls, the danger of complacency and the ripple effect that accidents can have on the victim and people around them.

Managing Director, Mark Williams, said hearing from Alan brought to life the purpose behind the strategy and the importance of an ongoing commitment to the safety and wellbeing of staff, contractors and the community.

“GWMWater has always been committed to providing a safe working environment to make sure everyone returns home safe, every day. But with a renewed focus on safety from the Board, particularly around how we’re reporting on hazards and prevention of incidents, we wanted to further enhance our safety protocols and build a deeper understanding of safety leadership among staff,” Mr Williams said.

The strategy supports GWMWater’s commitment to aspire to ‘Zero Harm’ in the workplace.

Alongside the strategy is a new set of ‘OHS Safety Rules’ which is a practical guide for staff and contractors to minimise the risk of injury or illness.

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