GWMWater, working with the West Wimmera Shire Council, is investing in Goroke to provide a sewerage system. The Goroke Sewerage Scheme will provide residents with a reliable, and effective wastewater collection and treatment system. The sewerage scheme will use current septic tanks on properties and deliver a reliable and effective wastewater collection and treatment system which will contribute to the prosperity and future growth of the town.
For information about the relevant charges that will apply, as well as concessions or subsidies available see our Goroke Sewerage Scheme charges and subsidies overview. If you need more information, or need support to apply for subsidies, please call our Customer Service Team during business hours on 1300 659 961.
Stage 1 - completed
Construction of Stage 1 of the Goroke Sewerage Scheme was completed in October 2021. In March 2022 the Goroke Wastewater Treatment Plant was completed. Customers within Stage 1 can arrange connection to the new sewerage system and should seek quotes from a licenced plumber before applying to connect.
Information about how to connect is available in this Fact sheet - How to Connect - Goroke Sewerage Scheme.
Stage 2 - completed
Customers within Stage 2 of the Goroke Sewerage Scheme can now connect their properties to the sewerage system. Wastewater charges will apply from 1 April 2025.
Information packs have been issued to Stage 2 customers with details on how to connect to the town's sewerage system.
Stage 2 of the Goroke Sewerage Scheme was completed in June 2024 ahead of the practical completion date of September 2024.
Goroke Sewerage Scheme - Stages 1, 2 and 3 Map
Checklist for customers - connecting to the Goroke Sewerage Scheme
Media Release: Goroke Sewerage Works - Stage 2 completed - August 2024
Media Release - Goroke Sewerage Works - Stage 2 progresses - March 2024
Media Release - Goroke Sewerage Scheme Works Progress - December 2023
Media Release - GWMWater to improve the environmental health of Goroke - April 2019
Terms of Reference - Goroke Sewerage Scheme
GWMWater regularly engages contractors to carry out work, whether it be in response to tenders or for smaller projects or tasks.
We're committed to the health and safety of everyone that works on our sites and projects. As such, all contractors must:
- have the right licences and insurances
- provide only employees that are compliant
- be inducted to work safely
- be registered in our online contractor management system to bid or quote for certain work
How to register as a contractor
Go to our online contractor management system and follow the simple, step by step instructions.
You'll be asked to provide:
- details of your business
- copies of relevant insurances and licences
- details of each individual employee
Once registered, you'll be able to:
- bid or quote for certain types of work
- book your employees into safety inductions
- keep relevant company information in one place
- update insurances, licences and employee information when needed
You'll also find useful information on how to comply with our safety standards, what certificates and licences you need, and any costs. This information specifically applies to contractors that undertake certain work, such as:
- Construction activity
- Work on GWMWater physical infrastructure
- Install, service or test equipment on GWMWater sites
- GWMWater site inspections (not under direct supervision of a GWMWater employee)
- Transport potable water for GWMWater
- Transport hazardous substances or dangerous goods to or from GWMWater sites
- Handle hazardous substances or dangerous goods at GWMWater sites
- Provide health services
- Provide training or assessment services in relation to high risk works
- Engage sub-contractors
- Requiring a Worksafe Licence to Perform High Risk Work at a GWMWater site
- Activities GWMWater deem to be high risk
Current tenders
Need help?
If you need any help, contact our Contractor Prequalification Service Provider, Pegasus, on 1300 305 072 or
Groundwater trading is an essential part of regional agriculture and business. It's our responsibility to facilitate a fair and simple system that everyone can use while also protecting our water supply from excessive consumption.Groundwater can be traded either temporarily or permanently.
A temporary trade is like leasing your groundwater allowance for a fixed amount of time. A permanent trade is essentially selling your groundwater licence.
To trade water, either temporarily or permanently...1. The seller must have a 'take and use' groundwater licence.
2. Both buyer and seller must adhere to the trading rules for the water supply location: Murrayville Groundwater Management Area (GMA) West Wimmera Groundwater Management Area (GMA) Not sure which area?
3. Sign our licence transfer application form:
Further information...Apply for a 'take and use' groundwater licence To use groundwater for irrigation or other commercial purposes, you must have a ‘take and use’ licence.
If you're planning to construct or alter a groundwater bore, you need to apply for a licence before you can start works.
Water costs vary depending on a number of factors and can change from year to year. |
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Information about who we are and what we do. Download our annual reports.
About Grampians Wimmera Mallee WaterGrampians Wimmera Mallee Water is a government-owned statutory corporation established in 2004. We have a responsibility to provide, manage, operate and protect water supply and sewerage systems for our community. |
Vision, Mission and ValuesOur vision, mission and values are an essential part of our culture at GWMWater. We incorporate these into every action we take - whether it's providing assistance over the phone, fixing a service fault, or encouraging regional growth for our local communities. |
Our StructureWith over 160 employees, GWMWater is one of the largest organisations in the region. As a service provider and resource manager we have a wide range of functions and responsibilities. A strong and efficient organisational structure is integral to our ongoing success. |
The BoardThe GWMWater Board is diverse and multi-faceted, with men and women from all different working and educational backgrounds. |
Executive Management TeamThe Executive Team ensures the smooth day-to-day operation of GWMWater, as well as implementing strategic direction as determined by the board. |
Customer committeesOne of the most important ways that we communicate with our customers is through our network of customer committee members. These committees draw membership from a variety of rural and urban water users, municipalities and environmental interests. |
Annual reportsEach year GWMWater produces a series of reports about our performance and highlights for the 12 months. |
Our performanceAs part of our five-year plan GWMWater provides an overview detailing three service outcomes our customers value and expect from their water and sewerage services. |
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